
Un professionista che reclama credibilità deve avere un'attività scientifica. Le pubblicazioni sono un attestato della comunità scientifica sul proprio valore. Nel nostro mestiere l'autoreferenzialità non è ammessa. In questa sezione ci sono le mie più recenti pubblicazioni


  1. Alzheimer's disease, autoimmunity and inflammation. The good, the bad and the ugly
    Sardi F, Fassina L, Venturini L, Inguscio M, GUERRIERO F, Rolfo E, Ricevuti G. AutoimmunRev 2011 Dec; 11(2):149-153. PMID: 21996556.
  2. Neuroinflammation, immune system and Alzheimer disease: searching for the missing link
    GUERRIERO F, Sgarlata C, Francis M, Maurizi N, Faragli A Rollone M, Perna S, Rondanelli M, Ricevuti G. AgingClinExp Res 2016 Oct 7. PMID: 27718173.
  3. Linking Persistent Pain and Frailty in Older Adults
  4. Pharmacological Approaches for the Management of Persistent Pain in Older Adults: What Nurses Need to Know GUERRIERO F, Bolier R, Van Cleave JH, Reid MC. J GerontolNurs 2016 Dec 1; 42(12):49-57. PMID 27898136.
  5. New opioid prescribing guidelines released in the US: what impact will they have in the care of older patients with persistent pain? GUERRIERO F, Reid MC.Curr Med Res Opin 2017 Feb; 33(2):275-278. PMID:27786538.
  6. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields stimulation modulates autoimmunity and immune responses: a possible immuno-modulatory therapeutic effect in neurodegenerative diseases
    GUERRIERO F, Ricevuti G. Neural Regen Res 2016 Dec 11(12):1888-1895. PMID: 28197174.
  7. An innovative intervention for the treatment of cognitive impairment–Emisymmetric bilateral stimulation improves cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: an open-label study
    GUERRIERO F, Botarelli M, Mele G, Polo L, Zoncu D, Renati P, Sgarlata C, Rollone M, Ricevuti G, Maurizi N, Francis M, Rondanelli M, Perna S, Guido D, Mannu P. NeuropsychiatrDisTreat 2015 Sep 18;11,2391-2404. PMID: 26425094.
  8. Performance of Edmonton Frail Scale on frailty assessment: its association with multi-dimensional geriatric conditions assessed with specific screening tools
    Perna S, Francis MD, Bologna C, Moncaglieri F, Riva A, Morazzoni P, Allegrini P, Isu A, Vigo B, GUERRIERO F, Rondanelli M. BMC Geriatr 2017 Jan 4; 17(1):2. PMID: 28049443.
  9. Guidance on opioids prescribing for the management of persistent non-cancer pain in older adults
    GUERRIERO F. World J Clin Cases 2017 Mar 16;5(3):73-81. PMID 28352631.
  10. Mithochondrial alterations, oxidative stress and neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease
    Verri M, Pastoris O, Dossena M, Aquilani R, GUERRIERO F, Cuzzoni G, Venturini L, Ricevuti G, Bongiorno AI. Int J ImmunopatholPharmacol 2012 Apr-Jun; 25(2):345-353. PMID: 22697066.
  11. Evidence-Based Role of Nutrients and Antioxidants for Chronic Pain Management in Musculoskeletal Frailty and Sarcopenia in Aging
  12. Long-term efficacy and safety of oxycodone– naloxone prolonged release in geriatric patients with moderate-to-severe chronic noncancer pain: a 52-week open-label extension phase study
    GUERRIERO F, Anna R, Greco MT, Sgarlata C, Rollone M, Corli O. Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 2016; 10:1515-23. PMID: 27143857.
  13. Efficacy and tolerability of low-dose oral prolonged-release oxycodone/naloxone for chronic nononcological pain in older patients
    GUERRIERO F, Sgarlata C, Marcassa C, Ricevuti G, Rollone.ClinIntervAging. 2014 Dec16;10:1-11. PMID: 25565782.


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